Brian Dowling & Calvin Hill, Rescheduled, 2/23; Sign Up Now!

“In sports, it’s all about how you get up when you get knocked down,” said Brian in our original planning call.  “Dealing with adversity is the coin of the realm.”

Well, after getting knocked down by technical issues in December, the dynamic duo will reconvene and try again on February 23rd at 3:00 PM EST. The Yale Boom Steering Committee is calling this a “Feb Club” event, thereby joining with later generations in fighting off the Winter blahs with a lighthearted, fun party celebrating the “friendships formed at Yale.” Be sure to Register Now! and get it on your calendar!


Brian Dowling & Calvin Hill, Rescheduled, 2/23; Sign Up Now! Read More »

The First Yale Boom Event

Note: Welcome Classes of 1967 to 1973 to the Yale Boom group! Our Yale Boom Steering Committee persuaded the Class of ’69 to use an event it already had planned as the inaugural event offered to our six classes. Check it out, and come if you can.

 On October 28th at 1:30 pm ET, we are hosting Yale Law Professor Akhil Amar, a noted constitutional scholar who will talk about the Executive branch and the US Constitution.  This is the Wednesday before the election. Do you think the Constitution will be in the news and of interest? 😉

Click through for details, or register now for the event.  We hope you can make it!


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How Yale Boom Came To Be

After its 50th Reunion, the Class of ‘69, in the hopes of drawing in a wider assortment of its highly diverse members, created a new, larger class council.  And one of the first ideas generated was to stage a series of talks by, and subsequent discussion with, some of our more ‘illustrious classmates.’  Titled ‘Class

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My Generation: About YaleBoom

Although the people who rewrite history have been busily rewriting that period of time known as ‘The Sixties’ (in actuality primarily the years between 1965 and 1973), those of us who came of age back then know that, whereas politics and protests were a part of it, in the end they were only, at best,

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